5 Day Driving Lessons 28/4/2025
- Time:
- 9:30am - 4:30pm
- Location:
- Mallory Park
- Course Type:
- Driver Training
The 5 day Intensive course is for somebody with little driving experience, who wants to work quickly towards passing their test in a week. The race track gives you the ideal opportunity to make excellent progress in a safe, controlled environment. Use of the race track will calm any nerves and allow you to concentrate on the hand / eye co ordination required to control a BMW 2 Series M Sport, safely and build your confidence. Nerves will soon be calmed as you realise that, with calm, logical instruction, you'll be making far more progress than you ever thought possible.
It's very difficult if you start on a public road, with all the distractions of other traffic, pedestrians, kerbs and signs etc. This is why new drivers love the idea of coming to an empty race track, where you can learn at your own pace without any distractions.
Within the first few hours you will have the opportunity to use all 6 forward gears, achieved speeds of 50-70mph, be able to reverse round a corner, parallel park, bay park, perform an emergency stop between 30-70mph, steer correctly at low and high speed, understand reference points regarding road positioning, use of mirrors (MSMPSL), procedure for hazard awareness and meeting traffic, upward and downward hill starts along with turning left or right at junctions. It's important to accelerate at an acceptable rate for the road. We can do all this on the track. Each learner driver confidently accelerates up to 50-70 mph by midday. Just as importantly, you need to know how it feels to stop the car from 70mph. On track you can undertsand how it feels, correct procedures for test and appropriate braking pressure to guide you safely down to a controlled, accurate stop. These are essential skills for the road. We can cover all these areas on day one to give you a broad, enjoyable experience. This is only possible on track.
Most driving schools would still have you doing controls checks and pulling away in first gear by the end of week two. Ask anyone who drives, it can take ages to get to a decent standard with most driving schools because it is very restrictive when learning all the basics out on the road, especially in only a one or two hour lesson. You have to consider everybody and everything when you learn on the road, this is why it can take so long. At Mallory Park, we can concentrate on you and your techniques, your are the priority. Your learning curve will be quick, safe and enjoyable.
Days three and four would be road based to get familiar with the test centre and routes. All areas are covered from turning in the road, to overtaking on dual carriageways. As these are full days, you'll quickly gain all the skills needed to pass the car test with the confidence and ability of a mature, experience driver. Although this is an intensive driving course, nothing is ever rushed. Our instructors have years of experience, delivering a calm, logical format that ensures you can make safe progress quickly.
Our fully qualified, DSA instructors will guide you through every aspect of the test and perform mock tests to prepare you for the real thing.
The whole course is structured to help you pass the car test with confidence.
Each day starts at 9.30am from Mallory Park with classroom sessions, demonstrations, in car client comparison drives, and individual driving, to help you fully understand what is expected on the driving test. Some people expect to be driving for 7 hours a day on a 1:1 basis, this is not always the case. This would be too tiring for the driver. We aim to give you a comprehensive learning experience on how to behave on the road
What matters most, is how you integrate with other road users and the decisions you make to ensure safe progress at all times. This element of learning to drive needs to be experienced and understood calmly, so we put clients together to enhance undertsanding and awareness. As anyone who has failed a driving test will tell you, it's generally the incorrect decision, usually through uncertainty or pure guesswork, that leads to a test fail, or an accident, not the mechanics of how to control the car.
By observing as well as driving with other students, each client develops a better understanding of how to drive safely and make the vital decisions needed in plenty of time to stay safe. Many clients report that they learnt as much from the passenger seat as they do from the practicall driving. Having qualified their understanding, they made better decisions when at the wheel and felt far more comfortable with their overall driving ability and co-ordination. Confidence levels and ability increase far quicker this way.
It's really important for new drivers to understand and observe correct driving techniques coupled with professional forward planning to prevent accidents and pass their test confidently.
Trying to learn these skills, while controlling the car is virtually impossible. As an instructor, all we hear from a client who is driving, is their immediate concerns of how or when to brake, accelerate or steer. New drivers, when at the wheel, block out any area of learning that is not immediately in front of them, or what they consider to be important at the time. They can get brain overload when trying to negotiate the most simple of tasks, resulting in panic, shock or occasionally apathy.
Most other considerations are not thought to be important or relevant to some new drivers, but when it comes to test, an examiner can tell whether you deserve your licence or not. They know whether you have a true understanding and appreciation of your role on the road and your legal requirement to drive safely and pass your driving test.
Book your course online or call us on 01455 840645.
Intensive 5 day driving course at Mallory Park 5 Day Intensive driving course with Circuit Based Training at Mallory Park Intensive driving course at Mallory Park with Circuit Based Training Intensive driving Course 5 days at Mallory Park 5 day intensive driving course 5 Day driving course at Mallory Park 2020 5 Day intensive driving lessons How to pass the driving test properly DVSA